Shareware Grab Bag
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Text File
527 lines
│ │
│ │
│ AT&T PC6300 SUPPORT BBS - Bulletin Service │
│ │
│ SUBJECT: GW-BASIC Notes for the PC6300 │
│ PROVIDED BY: AT&T PC-Hotline │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ The reserved words and tokens were incompatable, │
│ making exchange of binary and protected program │
│ files impossible. GW-Basic token values have been │
│ modified by this modification package. │
│ │
│ IBM Basic allows these devices to be open without │
│ a mode specification. GW-Basic would interpret │
│ these cases as open for random and declare a mode │
│ error. │
│ │
│ 1.3) RS232 SUPPORT │
│ The /C switch on the IBM Basic command line allows │
│ the user to specify the sieze of communications │
│ buffers. This feature has been added to all │
│ versions of Basic. │
│ │
│ 1.4) CLEAR Processing │
│ CLEAR should turn off music, reset music to │
│ foreground, turn off PEN and STRIG, and reset DRAW │
│ scale color. Similar processing should happen for │
│ LOAD, RUN, CHAIN, CLEAR, and NEW. This processing │
│ has been added for all GW-Basic versions. │
│ │
│ 1.5) BSAVE and BLOAD │
│ IBM Basic appends the .BAS suffix to file names │
│ when the user does not supply a suffix. GW-Basic │
│ did not append a suffix. │
│ │
│ IBM Basic calculates the center by dividing the │
│ one relative screen dimensions by two. GW-Basic │
│ calculates the center by dividing the zero │
│ relative screen dimensions by two. The IBM Basic │
│ method of calculating the center of the screen is │
│ now used by GW-Basic. │
│ │
│ IBM Basic allows the user to define new variables │
│ using the COMMON statement. GW-Basic declared an │
│ error if a COMMON statement referred to a │
│ previously undefined variable. │
│ │
│ During PRINT and LIST processing, IBM Basic clears │
│ characters from the end of the print item to the │
│ end of line. All versions of BASIC now function in │
│ this manner. │
│ │
│ A) The GW-Basic cursor is on only during character │
│ input requests from the keyboard. │
│ B) The IBM Basic displays different cursors for │
│ the Screen Editor overstrike mode and insert │
│ mode. │
│ The GW-Basic cursor is now turned off when │
│ printing characters to the screen. The cursor is │
│ turned to the user cursor when the PRINT │
│ statement terminates. When input is requested, │
│ the cursor is turned to the insert mode cursor │
│ or the overwrite mode cursor, depending on the │
│ Screen Editor mode. │
│ │
│ 1.10) INKEY$, INPUT$, INPUT │
│ A) INKEY$ did not return the same key codes as │
│ IBM Basic │
│ B) INPUT$ did not return the same key codes as │
│ IBM Basic. It should be noted that IBM Basic │
│ key codes returned to INKEY$ are not the same │
│ as IBM Basic keycodes returned to INPUT$ for │
│ all keys. │
│ C) Device input from "KYBD:" read no break (no │
│ interrupt takes place) if using the INPUT │
│ statement. An interrupt took place if │
│ GW-Basic now provides the OEM with filters for │
│ mapping characters on input. These filters │
│ provide the capability of returning IBM Basic │
│ keycodes. │
│ │
│ 1.11) CHR$ │
│ Certain IBM character codes in the range │
│ [&H00,&H1f] have been assigned fonts and are │
│ printable. Other codes in this range have been │
│ assigned functions (such as carriage return). │
│ GW-Basic now provides filters which allow OEM to │
│ decide which codes in this range are printable │
│ and which specify control functions. │
│ │
│ 1.12) SCREEN function │
│ SCREEN function requests for the character at the │
│ current cursor position may return a zero in │
│ place of &H20 (space) for IBM if there are no │
│ non-space characters to the right of the │
│ specified cursor position. GW-Basic can now │
│ support this character code for the screen │
│ function. │
│ │
│ 1.13) POKE/PEEK │
│ Results of the POKE and PEEK statements were │
│ different. The GW-Basic machine interface now │
│ includes routines to filter PEEK and POKE │
│ instructions. The OEM may now modify the PEEK or │
│ POKE address and data value. Certain GW-Basic │
│ routines have been provided for use in these │
│ filters. GW-Basic provides the capability to │
│ support the function of all PEEK and POKE │
│ locations specified by IBM user documentation. │
│ │
│ A) HEADING: GW-Basic displays the heading when a │
│ program is specified on the command line, │
│ while IBM Basic does not print a heading or │
│ display function keys in this case. The │
│ GW-Basic machine interface now contains a │
│ parameter that specifies to GW-Basic whether to │
│ print the heading and function keys when a │
│ program is specified on the command line. │
│ B) FUNCTION KEY DISPLAY: GW-Basic did not give the │
│ option of displaying the function keys when │
│ BASIC initializes, when there is no program on │
│ the command line. A configuration switch now │
│ specifies the function key display switch │
│ position on BASIC initialization. │
│ │
│ 1.15) ERROR CODES │
│ Some of the error codes and messages were │
│ different. GW-Basic error codes and messages have │
│ been modified to conform to IBM Basic. │
│ │
│ │
│ A) PLAY octave default not the same. │
│ B) BEEP duration not the same │
│ 1)SOUND freq,0 causes the IBM Basic to be │
│ flushed │
│ 2)GW-Basic does not perform range checking on │
│ frequency. │
│ 3)SOUND statement foreground mode was not │
│ interruptable by CTL-C or BREAK. This is a │
│ problem because it is possible to create │
│ extremely long notes. │
│ These conditions are considered bugs and have │
│ been fixed for all versions. Foreground SOUND │
│ interruptability is available through a GW-Basic │
│ keyboard routine provided to the OEM for use │
│ within the speaker control support. │
│ │
│ 1.17) COLOR statement syntax │
│ The IBM COLOR statement syntax was not │
│ supportable by the GW-Basic OEM interface. This │
│ problem has been fixed in GW-Basic. │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ A) Input sequences that wrap to a subsequent │
│ physical line cause a scroll to open another │
│ physical line. IBM Basic allows the user to │
│ type over the text which is on the subsequent │
│ line. The IBM Basic end of logical line is then │
│ moved to the end of the logical line which is │
│ being overwritten. │
│ B) Skip-to-next-word function. When the cursor is │
│ positioned on a space the IBM skip-to-next-word │
│ control function will skip spaces until a word │
│ is found, progress over the word and proceed to │
│ the word following. The GW-Basic skip-to-next- │
│ word control function will skip spaces until a │
│ word is found. │
│ C) TAB. In GW-Basic, after stopping at the last │
│ position on a line, TAB will proceed to the │
│ next line. IBM Basic TAB only operates on one │
│ line. │
│ D) Cursor movement control functions do not join │
│ physical lines into logical lines. In IBM Basic │
│ cursor movement can join lines. │
│ E) Line delete. The GW-Basic Screen Editor uses a │
│ character other than ESC for line delete. │
│ F) GW-Basic extends logical lines to new physical │
│ lines (when required by LF or wrapping at the │
│ end of the screen). A new blank line is inserted │
│ following the current line. When physical lines │
│ following the first physical line in a logical │
│ line are deleted, the line is removed from the │
│ screen. In IBM Basic, lines are not inserted or │
│ removed. │
│ G) AUTO. The IBM AUTO statement allows the user to │
│ modify the statement corresponding to the line │
│ number printed by AUTO only. If the user uses │
│ the Screen Editor to move to another line, or │
│ otherwise attempts to modify the line number, │
│ strange results are obtained. The GW-Basic AUTO │
│ statement allows the user to modify any line by │
│ making use of the Screen Editor to modify the │
│ line number or to move to another line on the │
│ screen. │
│ H) Functions added to Screen Editor │
│ 1) HELP. This control function allows the │
│ programmer to edit the last statement where │
│ an error ocurred, or if no error ocurred, │
│ the last direct statement. │
│ 2) DELETE WORD. This control function deletes │
│ the current word starting at the current │
│ cursor position, and ending at the character │
│ previous to the next word │
│ 3) CLEAR TO END OF SCREEN. This control │
│ function clears all data from the current │
│ cursor position to the end of the screen. │
│ │
│ 2.2) Breaking from INPUT │
│ IBM Basic allows the user to break from an INPUT │
│ statement using either Control-C or BREAK. GW-Basic │
│ provides only one BREAK function code. This │
│ function code may be assigned to either BREAK, │
│ Control-C, or both by the OEM. However, no special │
│ processing is performed to differentiate between │
│ the INPUT statement and other statements. │
│ │
│ 2.3) Sequences returned by the GW-Basic RANDOM NUMBER │
│ GENERATOR (RND function) will NOT be identical to │
│ sequences returned by the IBM Basic random number │
│ generator. │
│ │
│ 2.4) /F and /S Options │
│ IBM Basic statically allocates file space using │
│ the /F and /S BASIC command line switches. GW-Basic │
│ allocates space dynamically and is not limited by │
│ these switches. GW-Basic will not declare an error │
│ if the user specifies either of these switches. │
│ │
│ 2.5) File Format of BASIC │
│ IBM Basic is in ".COM" file format. GW-Basic is in │
│ ".EXE" file format. │
│ │
│ 2.6) Fielded Strings │
│ IBM Basic fielded strings retain their values │
│ after the file is closed. In GW-Basic this space is │
│ deallocated. Any field statement which is executed │
│ while a file is opened, has no effect after that │
│ file is closed. For example, assume file 1 is │
│ opened, fielded, and closed. If file 1 is │
│ reopened, it should be refielded. │
│ │
│ 2.7) VARPTR │
│ In IBM Basic, the value returned by VARPTR for a │
│ given file number is not subject to change during │
│ program execution. In GW-Basic, FBD's are moved in │
│ memory when files are opened and closed. To avoid │
│ problems due to this difference, the statement │
│ "X=VARPTR(file)" should be executed before every │
│ referrence to X because a file buffer may be moved │
│ in memory when another file is closed. │
│ │
│ 2.8) Line Printer Filenames │
│ Line printer filenames have the following syntax: │
│ "LPTn:[bin]" │
│ Where if bin is included, the file is opened in │
│ Binary mode. In this mode, tabs are not expanded │
│ to spaces, and CR is not forced at end-of-line. │
│ │
│ 2.9) DATE$ │
│ Both IBM Basic and GW-Basic allow a single digit │
│ for year. IBM Basic interprets the digit 8 as │
│ 1980. GW-Basic interprets the digit 8 as 2008. │
│ │
│ 2.10) Pen and Joy Stick │
│ The statement 'STRIG ON' and 'STRIG OFF' perform │
│ no function in GW-Basic. In IBM Basic these │
│ functions are used to enable and disable the joy │
│ stick trigger interrupts. │
│ │
│ 2.11) Parity Checking on the OPEN statement │
│ There is an undocumented PE on the IBM OPEN │
│ statement. This OPEN option enables/disables │
│ parity checking on input. With no PE specified, │
│ the IBM OPEN for communications will report no │
│ parity errors. │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ 3.1) Homing The Graphics and Text Cursor │
│ IBM Basic does not home the cursor after CLS in │
│ version A1.0. GW-Basic allows the OEM to choose │
│ when to home the graphics cursor. The text cursor │
│ is always returned home as per IBM PC Basic │
│ version A1.1. │
│ │
│ 3.2) NAME statement On Open Files │
│ IBM Basic allows the NAME statement to refer to an │
│ open file. This causes no immediate problem, but │
│ can lead to problems as in the following case: │
│ 10 OPEN"0",#1,"JUNK" │
│ 20 NAME"JUNK" AS "JUNK2" │
│ 30 KILL"JUNK2" │
│ 40 PRINT#1,"My data" │
│ 50 CLOSE │
│ IBM Basic allows this program to execute. Data │
│ printed to the file is lost. This is inconsistent │
│ in that KILL is illegal when referring to an open │
│ file. │
│ GW-Basic and the standard MS-DOS version of │
│ BASIC-86 do not allow NAME to refer to open files. │
│ │
│ 3.3) Detection Of Identical File Names │
│ IBM Basic does not detect identical file names │
│ when the only difference in the name is the case │
│ of the alphabetic characters comprising the file │
│ name. This problem prevents IBM Basic from │
│ detecting that a file in an OPEN statement has │
│ already been opened. │
│ GW-Basic and the standard MS-DOS version of │
│ BASIC-86 are able to detect this user error. │
│ │
│ 3.4) Interruptability Of Input From The Keyboard │
│ Variable length input (INPUT n,var...) from │
│ the keyboard is not interruptable using the break │
│ key. The program: │
│ 20 INPUT #1,A$ │
│ 30 GOTO 20 │
│ will read break as a character (the program is │
│ virtually uninterruptable). This problem is fixed │
│ in GW-Basic. │
│ │
│ 3.5) Communications │
│ 1) End Of File. IBM-PC Basic returns EOF true │
│ whenever the input buffer is empty. GW-Basic │
│ returns EOF true only when file was opened in │
│ non binary mode, and CTL-Z has been received. │
│ Once EOF is true, it remains true until the │
│ file is closed. This is more analogous to the │
│ way EOF works on other devices. │
│ 2) Default Data Bits. IBM Basic documentation │
│ states that the default bit count for │
│ communications is 7. The commas in the │
│ statement: │
│ OPEN "COM1:,,," │
│ cause 7 bit mode to be invoked. However, if │
│ parity or speed are specified, the default data │
│ bit count is set to 8. GW-Basic defaults to 7 │
│ data bits. │
│ │
│ 3.6) Graphics │
│ 1) POINT. The IBM BASIC POINT function does not │
│ detect that certain coordinates are not on the │
│ screen and therefore are not legal. │
│ 2) GET and PUT. The array format and speed │
│ capability of these statements is supportable │
│ by GW-Basic. However, the operation of these │
│ commands is highly dependent on hardware design │
│ and the implementation of OEM specific │
│ routines. │
│ │
│ 3.7) Screen Editor │
│ 1) The IBM Screen Editor returns a zero to input$ │
│ function when a null function key is depressed. │
│ GW-Basic Screen Editor returns no key code to │
│ INPUT$ for null function keys. │
│ 2) The IBM Screen Editor terminates function key │
│ expansion when a key code greater than &H7f is │
│ encountered. The high bit of this key code is │
│ removed. GW-Basic allows codes greater than │
│ &H7f. In late ROMs, the IBM Screen Editor will │
│ not remove the high order bit from codes │
│ returned by function key expansion. │
│ │
│ 3.8) Trailing Blanks │
│ The following BASIC program demonstrates a problem │
│ in IBM Basic: │
│ 20 PRINT #1,"ABC " │
│ 30 CLOSE #1 │
│ 50 INPUT A$ │
│ 60 PRINT LEN(A$) │
│ 70 CLOSE #1 │
│ The IBM Basic result of the print statement in │
│ line 60 is 13. The trailing blanks have not been │
│ removed. GW-Basic removes these trailing blanks as │
│ specified by the ANSI Standard. │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ Previous releases of GW-Basic were incompatable with │
│ IBM-PC Basic communications in the following areas: │
│ 1) When a com file was opened with default │
│ parameters and closed, a CONTROL-Z (1A hex) was │
│ sent to let the other end of the RS-232 │
│ protocol know that end-of-file had been │
│ reached. This is not done in IBM-PC BASIC. │
│ 2) Under GW-Basic if a COM device was opened with │
│ the BIN option, EOF always returned false. In │
│ ASCII mode, EOF returned false until it │
│ received a CONTROL-Z, after which time it │
│ always returned true. │
│ These changes made EOF behave in a device independent │
│ manner. For example, a program which was written to │
│ read sequentially through a disk file, stopping when │
│ EOF was true, can now be used to read a COM file. For │
│ another example, GW-Basic can load "COM1:" and terminate │
│ when the load is finished if the user on the other end │
│ of the RS232 line types SAVE "COM1:",A. │
│ │
│ The number of application programs which have been │
│ written to use IBM-PC COM cannot be ignored. The │
│ following change in GW-Basic is intended to provide │
│ compatability with IBM-PC Basic while retaining the │
│ features added to GW-Basic. │
│ NOTE: This change is isolated to version independent │
│ code and has no effect on OEM written routines. │
│ │
│ COM files can be opened in one of the following ways: │
│ │
│ 1) With the ASC option │
│ In this mode, EOF is always false until a CTL-Z │
│ is received. When a file is opened for OUTPUT │
│ or RANDOM, a CTL-Z is sent when the file is │
│ closed. │
│ │
│ 2) With the BIN option │
│ In this "raw" mode, Basic performs no filtering │
│ of data. This includes forcing carriage return │
│ when line width is exceeded. This option │
│ overrides the LF option. EOF has the same │
│ meaning as it does in IBM-PC Basic. EOF is TRUE │
│ if no data exists in the input buffer. │
│ │
│ 3) With neither the BIN nor the ASC options. │
│ This mode is compatible with IBM-PC Basic. No │
│ CTL-Z is sent when the file is closed. EOF is │
│ TRUE if no data exists in the input buffer. │
│ │
│ BSAVE, BLOAD force the mode to BINARY. This insures │
│ BASIC will not force any Carriage Returns if the device │
│ is not 255 (infinite). │
│ │
│ SAVE "COMn:...",A forces the mode to ASCII. │
│ │
│ LOAD 'COMn:..." forces the mode to ASCII if the first │
│ character received is less than 80 hex, indicating an │
│ ASCII file is being loaded. This ensures that ASCII │
│ LOADs will terminate. │
│ │
│ COM file syntax: │
│ "COMn: [speed] [,parity] [,data] [,stop] [,RS] │
│ [,CS[n]] [DS[n]] [,CD[n]] [,LF] [,ASC] [,BIN]" │
│ Where: │
│ SPEED baud rate in bits per second │
│ PARITY N, E, 0 (none, even, odd) │
│ DATA 5,6,7,8 bits per byte │
│ STOP 1, 1.5, 2 stop bits │
│ Default for baud greater than 110 is 1 │
│ Default for 110 baud or lower & 5 data bits │
│ is 1.5 │
│ Default for 110 baud or lower & 6-8 data bits │
│ is 2 │
│ RS Suppress RTS (Request To Send) │
│ CS[n] Controls CTS (Clear To Send) │
│ DS[n] Controls DSR (Data Set Ready) │
│ CD[n] Controls CD (Carrier Detect) │
│ This is also referred to as RLSD │
│ (Receive line Signal Detect) │
│ LF Send a Line Feed character (X'OA') │
│ following a Carriage Return (X'OD') │
│ ASC Open COM file in ASCII mode │
│ BIN Open COM file in BINARY mode │
│ │
│ The RTS (Request To Send) line is turned on when you │
│ execute an OPEN "COM..." statement unless you include │
│ the RS option. │
│ If CD is omitted, it defaults to CSO │
│ If DS is omitted, it defaults to DS1000 │
│ If CS is omitted, it defaults to CS1000 │
│ If RS is specified and CS is omitted, then CS defaults │
│ to 0. │
│ │
│ Normally I/O statements to a communication file will │
│ fail if the CTS (Clear To Send) or DSR (Data Set Ready) │
│ lines are not cabled. The CS and DS options allow you │
│ to avoid this problem by ignoring these lines. If the │
│ [n] argument is included, it specifies the number of │
│ milliseconds to wait for the signal before returning a │
│ "Device Timeout" error. │
│ │
│ If the argument [n] in the CS, DS, and CD options is │
│ omitted, or equal to 0, then that line's status is not │
│ checked at all. │
│ │
│ NOTE: The speed, parity, data, and stop parameters are │
│ positional, but RS, CS< DS, and CD may appear in any │
│ order after STOP. │
│ │
│ When included in the parameter list, LF will cause a │
│ Line Feed to be sent after a Carriage Return. │
│ │
│ │